Yambio Hospital, South Sudan

.. I visited the city of Yambio, located in Western Equatoria State, South Sudan. It is a relatively peaceful town where life tries to follow its normal course. The roads are in poor condition. There is one market, one hospital, three hotels and few houses around the main road. Groups of young men wait along …

Violence against women

.. Violence against Women is a disturbing growing trend in Nepal. The following testimonies are from women who suffered gender based violence: – “ When he wanted to sleep with me, he used to come close to me and care for me, otherwise he used to hit me when he was drunk and when sober …

“Curry without worry”

.. Poverty has a long shadow in Kathmandu. People struggle every day to get one or two dollars. In the city, the roads are in extremely poor condition. It is easy to see people on the streets begging for money while their children sleep on the floor. A dollar in Kathmandu can be the difference …